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Atletsko tekmovanje v Ljubljani okoli 1925-1935, hrani Muzej športa

2nd Ljubljana Festival of Sport

The Sports Museum will participate at 2nd Ljubljana Festival of Sport which will take place throughout the day on Saturday, September 7, 2024, in park Tivoli in the center of Ljubljana. Welcome!

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Razstava Varuh športne dediščine v ZDA, foto: Luka Zibelnik

Touring in Washington at EU Open House

With the exhibition Sports Museum: Safeguarding Sports Heritage, we continue our tour of the USA this year. After Cleveland, the exhibition will be on view from May 11 until probably mid-September in Washington, at the Slovenian Embassy in the USA.

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Muzej športa na poletni muzejski noči 2023

Cultural holiday Prešeren’s Day

On the cultural holiday, Prešeren's Day, 8 February, we invite you to the programme of Sports Museum, which takes place between 10 am and 6 pm at Slovenian School Museum, Plečnikov trg 1 in Ljubljana. You will be able to visit the exhibitionCollecting, researching, reviving. Sports heritage and the Sports Museum and tried in exercises made of sports educational cardboard.

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